4 Reasons Why We Love Webflow (And You Should, Too!)

July 7, 2023

If you have a smartphone, Google and a desire to build any sort of website then you’ve probably heard of Webflow before. Perhaps you heard it being mentioned in a Youtube video, in a Linkedin post, on a podcast or from your web designer pal who just can't stop rambling about it.

So naturally, you’ve begun to wonder whether you should use webflow to build your website or whether you should use one of the more traditional website builders, like WordPress, Wix or Squarespace. In this article, we're going to tell you 4 Reasons Why We Love Webflow and How We Use it Every Day.

But before we discuss why we love using Webflow, let's talk about what it is and how it can potentially help your company build your website with ease.

What is Webflow?

Webflow is a cloud-based platform that enables users to design, build and launch custom websites with ease. Webflow is a no-code website builder and content management system (CMS). So it allows you to build custom websites without having to know a single line of code. For this reason, Webflow has quickly become one of the most popular website builders and CMS tools among web designers and developers.

There's a big misconception floating around online that you need to have a deep understanding of front-end development just to be able to use Webflow. But I can assure you that this isn't true at all. If you want to learn how to use Webflow, you don't need to learn any front-end development, you just need to learn how to use Webflow. Luckily for you, you can do this completely for free by enrolling on Webflow University.

Over the years I've worked with dozens of content management systems, from Wordpress to Drupal, you name it I've used it. So you can trust me when I say that Webflow is by far the best of them all and here's why:

5 Reasons why we love Webflow

1.It has a user-friendly interface

Example of Webflow's user interface

Here at 99Solutions one of the main reasons why we love using Webflow is because of its user-friendly interface. Webflow comes with a drag-and-drop editor that makes it easy for users to edit and customise different elements on their websites.

It comes packed with a variety of different design tools allowing users to edit every single element on their website on a granular level. Webflow understands that creating a whole website from scratch can be a daunting task, especially if you have no web design experience, which is why it has a variety of pre-designed templates and web design elements that you can incorporate into your website.  

2. It's one of the most SEO-friendly content management systems

From our experience, Webflow CMS is one of the most SEO-friendly content management CMSs in the market right now. I think that it's miles ahead of the typical mainstream content management systems, like WordPress, Wix and Squarespace.

Webflow provides us with all the necessary tools and resources to optimise our website for search engines. Such as an auto-generated sitemap, an auto-generated robots.txt file, easily customisable title tags, URLs, meta descriptions and image alt tags. In addition to this, and unlike Wordpress, Webflow isn't heavily dependent on plugins so you won't have to download any plugins in order to give your website functionality.

Webflow websites are also built with, clean, semantic and minified HTML, CSS and Javascript code, which makes it easier for search engines to crawl your site and index your pages. As a result of this, Webflow sites tend to perform well in search engines, making webflow CMS a great choice for any business that wants to get more eyeballs on their website.

3.It's lightening- fast page loading times

One of our Webflow website's page speed metrics

If you know anything about building websites then you probably know that your website's load speed can make or break your website. But, if you didn't know that before you read this, now you do!

In the early days of the internet, having a fast-loading website wasn't nearly as important as it is today, in today's age it's a necessity - for both humans and search engines.

If your website takes too long to load, then your users will most likely bounce off your site before they even digest the content on your website. Which will eventually lead to your website developing a high bounce rate.

Having a high bounce rate is bad for your website because if your website has a high bounce rate, search engines like Google might perceive your website's content as not being useful or relevant to users, which could negatively affect its search engine rankings.

Webflow has multiple in-built features to prevent this and ensure that your website loads quickly. The main one is Webflow's extremely efficient hosting technology.

As all Webflow websites are hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud computing platform, which is one of the most secure and reliable hosting providers in the market. In addition to this, all Webflow websites come with a global content delivery network (CDN). These features collectively give your website faster loading times and less strain on your website's server.

This results in your website having extremely fast page loading speeds and never having to worry about server maintenance or updating PHP.

4.Webflow's strong community

One of my favourite things about Webflow is its strong community. As of 2023, Webflow has over 75,000 community members. These community members are web developers and web designers that actively build websites using webflow.

So if you ever encounter any problems while you're building your website in Webflow but you can't seem to find a solution on the Webflow university or the Webflow blog, then you could drop your question in the Webflow forum and wait for someone to assist you.

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About Author

Bekani Thulani

Bekani, founder of 99Solutions Marketing, seamlessly combines solar energy expertise with digital marketing acumen. Through compelling content, he simplifies concepts, motivates action, and communicates the tangible benefits of solar power.