The Ultimate Guide to Attracting Solar Customers Without Cold Calling

July 7, 2023

I'll be honest, It doesn't take a genius to tell you that consistently attracting new customers is key to growing your solar company and also critical for your business to survive. But, it does take an innovative, forward-thinking digital marketing enthusiast like myself to tell you that you don't always have to rely on cold-calling random business owners to attract new solar companies. Because, let's face it, cold-calling sucks, it makes you appear desperate, diminishes your authority as a solar expert and more often than not results in rejection. So, how can you attract solar customers without cold calling?

The answer to this lies in using alternative customer acquisition strategies, strategies that won’t make you feel like you’re trying to find a needle in a haystack. In this article, we'll cover a variety of methods that you can use to attract potential customers. The goal of this article is to expose you to some of the possibilities that you can start exploring as soon as tomorrow to build your solar business.

Attracting solar customers online

Today, we find ourselves living in a digital-driven world. According to some recent findings from Statsica, a staggering 6.8 billion people in the world actively use smartphones today, with 5.1 billion of those people actively using the internet. 

So if you’re not proactively using the internet to broaden your customer base then you are seriously preventing your business from experiencing the explosive growth that it deserves. 

Does Your Solar Company need to be Online?

Let's face it; right now you’re probably reading this article on your device and because you’ve landed on this article, there’s a great possibility that you are now aware that we are an SEO agency that specialises in providing SEO services to solar companies.

This alone is enough evidence to show you just how powerful creating online content is. By being active on your website and creating helpful content, you can showcase your company’s expertise and reach your customers where they spend the most time in the modern age - online.

While, on the other hand, being passive and abandoning your website instead of posting helpful content has quite the opposite effect because it can prevent people from working with you.

But is this really the case?

Yes and here’s why:

A 2022 survey brought to light by Hubspot revealed that 74% of buyers reported that the quality of a service provider’s website holds at least “Some influence” over their ultimate decision to buy services from the provider. Today, this number is 23% higher than it was in 2005 and this represents the growing importance of all companies' websites.

So how should you go about attracting Solar customers online?

1. Create a professional website 

Having a professional website is very important if you want online prospects to take your business seriously in this day and age. Your website should act as an “Online Face” for your solar company. 

Unfortunately, most businesses simply treat their website like a display window in a shopping centre. A place where they just stick their products and services up and leave.

In today’s digital-first world, websites are much more than that.; It’s a crucial tool for establishing your business’s online presence, connecting with customers, driving sales, and building your brand’s credibility and trust within the solar community.

So, if you already have a website, take a second to ask yourself this very important question:

“Does my website demonstrate my business’s credibility, authority and expertise as a solar company?” 

Or “Does my website degrade my business and make me look and sound like an amateur?”

If you can't come up with an absolute answer to this question, then your website more than likely isn’t up to scratch. I know this may be a tough pill to swallow, especially if you’ve already spent a considerable amount of money on website development costs. 

But, you have to be completely honest with yourself to accurately assess the quality of your current website. 

I've noticed that most business owners struggle with being completely objective when assessing the ROI of their marketing initiatives. This is often due to their attachment and emotional investment. As a result of this, they overlook important areas of improvement.

So I'd recommend hiring an external person, such as a consultant or a marketing agency, such as ourselves, to provide you with a fresh and unbiased audit of your website. 

Having someone with an outside perspective evaluate your website will enable you to understand what’s preventing your website from generating more solar customers and how to resolve it.

Book Your Free 30-Minute Website Audit By Clicking Here 

2. Start publishing SEO content to your website 

Before we delve into this section, let me ask you a question:

Are your customers content? 

Or do they have pressing questions that they need an expert to answer for them to be comfortable adopting solar energy?

More than likely the latter is true because the solar industry is undeniably still in its infancy and it’s constantly evolving and adapting to new developments. So it’s not surprising that people have a lot of questions and doubts about solar power.

It also shouldn’t surprise you that these people are mostly using Google to search for answers.

This is great because when people are asking a lot of questions regarding a particular sector, it indicates that there's a lot of demand for it. This presents businesses in that sector with the opportunity to create valuable information that answers these questions and provides solutions to these problems. 

So what questions might your prospects have? If I was considering investing in solar power for my home:

1. How does solar power work?

2. What are the benefits of using solar power?

3. How much do solar panels cost?

4. Is my house suitable for solar power?

5. What’s the average lifespan of solar panels?

6. How much solar power do I need to run my refrigerator?

With the right SEO knowledge, you can turn these questions into keyword opportunities that you can incorporate into your website's content. Doing this consistently will enable your website to attract organic website visitors, in the form of people searching for answers to these questions about solar power.

At some point, while you were reading this article you probably wondered "How many people are searching for answers to these questions on Google "

The answer to this is an average of 13,100 people. 

Imagine being able to attract 10% of this search traffic to your website every month. That's 1,310 warm prospects interested in adopting solar power visiting your website per month.

Now imagine if just 3% of those website visitors decided that they wanted your business to install their solar panels for them, that’s roughly 39 customers for your business.

Now, let’s look at how much revenue these new customers could provide your business with. Now, according to GreenMatch; a leading solar panel installer in the UK, the average price of a 4kW solar panel system is about £6,000 - £8,000.

So, if this scenario materialises, this organic traffic could yield you a business value of £234,000 ( calculated by multiplying the average price of a 4k solar panel system £6,000 x 39 potential customers).

3. Install pixels and tags on your website to retarget your visitors

So now that you’ve got a professional website and a substantial amount of content on your website, here comes the exciting part. 

After about 6-8  months of consistently creating relevant, useful and SEO-friendly content on your website you should see your website’s analytics graph start to look like this:

The Growing Stages of a client's website traffic

The graph above is displaying the analytics data for a website that I've previously worked on.

From point A to point B the website was in its infancy. The website had just been created and content was being added to it regularly, but it wasn't getting many visitors. The site was in a phase known in the digital marketing world as "Google's Sandbox".

However, from July 22' to January 23' something interesting happened. The website achieved hockey stick traffic growth from July onwards due to several strategic optimisation efforts that we had made during the months before this. As a result, the website received a large influx of new website visitors. Some of these visitors expressed an interest in working with the company, so they submitted their contact details through a contact form.

Unfortunately, most of them just did what most web users do. They read the article that brought them to the site and then they left the website. Here’s where installing tags and pixels on your website comes into play. 

Embed Pixels and Tags into Your Website

Marketing tags and pixels are small pieces of code that you can place within your website's code to help you track your visitors' data.

Your website’s tags and pixels will enable you to use the data collected by them to create custom audience segments based on the visitors that have visited your website. This will give you the ability to retarget your website visitors and show them advertisements for products and services that they have clearly shown interest in.

How will this apply to your solar company? 

Well, if you install Google’s retargeting pixel on your solar company’s website, you’ll have the ability to remind potential customers about your brand even after they leave your website. That way you’ll have the ability to tailor your online ads to targeted prospects already interested in adopting solar power.

Why don't you hear it straight from the cow's mouth? 

Are you ready to get expert advice straight from the source?

Book your free consultation call now and let’s discuss your solar company’s goals and how we can help you reach them.

Just, click here to schedule your consultation call with us today.

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About Author

Bekani Thulani

Bekani, founder of 99Solutions Marketing, seamlessly combines solar energy expertise with digital marketing acumen. Through compelling content, he simplifies concepts, motivates action, and communicates the tangible benefits of solar power.